Welcome at the Testo Experts panel

Be Part of the Testo Team. Your insights are crucial!

Your insight is instrumental in shaping the features and functions of products and services from Testo that truly meet your needs.

We're excited to invite you to join our exclusive Expert Team.

As a member, you’ll be regularly invited to participate in surveys. Here we would like to get your feedback on products, product ideas, services and trends. The surveys focus on measurement applications in the areas of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration.

Do good with Testo Experts
Each time you participate in a survey, you earn points. You have the option of converting the points credited to you into a donation to a charitable organization.

This is how simple it is

Fill in registration form and
familiarization questionnaire

Participate in surveys on topics of your choice and earn points

Convert accumulated points
into a donation

Register now with Testo Experts